South Edmonton Fellowship Centre

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About Us

The South Edmonton Fellowship Centre is a registered non-profit society in the Province of Alberta and a registered charity under the federal Income Tax Act. Its mandate is to provide a safe, welcoming, and affordable space in South Edmonton for mutual support addiction recovery meetings and activities. Officially opened on November 25, 2021, it is run entirely by unpaid volunteers.

Our Purpose

The objectives and purpose of the South Edmonton Fellowship Centre are to:

  1. provide a meeting place in South Edmonton where recovering alcoholics and recovering addicts may gather to exchange ideas and enjoy the fellowship
  2. provide a site for peer-to-peer recovery meetings, workshops, seminars, and conferences
  3. provide opportunities for public and family involvement in the processes of recovery from alcoholism and addiction
  4. provide information on alcoholism and addiction and on methods of recovery
  5. provide recovery-oriented social activities in a non-drinking, non-drugging environment
  6. affect its purpose without discriminating as to race, colour, national origin, creed, gender, or sexual orientation
A guide to 12 steps

Our Vision

The vision of the South Edmonton Fellowship Centre is to provide a safe and welcoming facility for alcoholism/addiction mutual support recovery meetings, activities and events. Each mutual support group functions independently and autonomously to help those suffering to achieve sobriety and improve their lives.

The Government of Alberta considers mutual support recovery groups an essential service to preserve life, health, and public safety.